Okay, so first the good…I started my juice fast today and I did
pretty good. I had my morning herbal tea, followed by water, and then
started on the juice. I managed 3 20 oz glasses of juice and about 2
liters of water. I usually drink 3-4 liters but with all the juice it
was hard to get anymore liquid in. I’m drinking my herbal bedtime tea
as I type and I always take more water to bed with me. Today was also
my gym day so I also worked out with weights.
The bad…I barely slept last night. My sleep schedule was already a
mess and then adding to that the excitement and anticipation of
starting the juice fast just made sleep impossible. Hopefully I’ll
sleep tonight. I was supposed to get up at 9am but when I was still
awake as 7am I changed my alarm to 10:30, so I got about 3 hours sleep.
Plus, now I was also running late. So unfortunately I had no time to
juice. When I was at the store yesterday I did pick up 3 flavors of
Naked Juice, so that’s what I had today…20 oz of each flavor. I know
it’s not as good as fresh juice, but I figure it was better than
And then there was the UGLY…I cheated, although I kind of planned
this one cheat in advance so I guess it’s okay. I went to see Jurassic
Park in 3D on the IMAX, and I know there are people who do it, but going
to a movie theater and not having popcorn just seems wrong to me. I
did bring in my own juice and water so I didn’t have a soda which I had
originally planned to do as well (yeah me) However, I have to say the
popcorn was kind of gross this time, so maybe next time I’ll try just
juice and water and see how it goes, it will be weird though.
So how do I feel…well I was tired and headachy all day, but I think
that was due more to not sleeping than anything else. I really wasn’t
hungry at all. There were definitely moments when driving by
restaurants when I would think oh that sounds good. My biggest problem
came from bloating and stomach gas, I kept burping all day, which isn’t
Ready for bed and looking forward to day 2 and making my own juice.
My Starting Stats:
Starting Weight: 230
Starting Juice Weight: 217.2
Starting Waist: 45.5
Starting Juice Waist: 42.5
Note about measurements: I do a comprehensive weigh in every Sunday, and very in depth measurements every other Sunday. For the purpose of this juice fast I will weigh and measure my waist everyday but it won't be exact. When I normally weigh I'm naked, but for everyday I'll still be in my PJ's so I'll be subtracting and approx weight of my clothes and depending on what I'm wearing it won't be exact but I'll at least get some idea of my progress.
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