Thursday, January 12, 2012

1st WIPocalypse post

Okay so I'm a little late posting my update for the January full moon, but I was having trouble getting my pictures from my new i-phone, to my computer, to my webpage, and then having them show up here.  (At least I hope the show up here.  I'm currently stitching on Chatelaine's Pompejian Garden Mandala.  It is stitched on 32ct Belfast in Wandering Ivy Expressions from Silkweavers.

Here it is at 10hrs

And here it is at 20hrs

Almost finished with the 30hr mark but not quite.  Now that I know what I'm doing my next post will be on time.


  1. Very pretty! I'd love to do a Chatelaine one day - perhaps one of the minis.

  2. I love Martina's pieces, and the fabric you've chosen for this is gorgeous!

  3. OH very pretty. I can never tell what I stitched in hours. I catch a few min here and there and then I can tell you what TV shows or movies I watched :)
    Can't wait to see the piece done I love the colors.

  4. Beautiful progress on the mandala.
