Thursday, January 12, 2012

1st WIPocalypse post

Okay so I'm a little late posting my update for the January full moon, but I was having trouble getting my pictures from my new i-phone, to my computer, to my webpage, and then having them show up here.  (At least I hope the show up here.  I'm currently stitching on Chatelaine's Pompejian Garden Mandala.  It is stitched on 32ct Belfast in Wandering Ivy Expressions from Silkweavers.

Here it is at 10hrs

And here it is at 20hrs

Almost finished with the 30hr mark but not quite.  Now that I know what I'm doing my next post will be on time.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Plans

So I've decided to sign up for WIPocalypse 2012 I don't have any special plans for it, I think I'm just going to stitch my current rotation which is huge, plus a few special extra pieces and just see where things go.  Hopefully posting my progress on a more regular basis and blogging about it will make things go a bit faster.  I just need to make sure I don't spend so much time blogging and reading other blogs that I have no time to stitch.

On top of this for 2012 I'm hoping to finally get my webpage up and running and to get all my stash organized.  So I will be busy.

My First Post

Okay, so new year new venture!!  I am going to try to blog.  Mostly I'll be talking about my artistic projects, but I'm sure some of my personal stuff (ie. health and fitness) will get in there too.  Hopefully I'll be fairly consistent with blogging.  I guess we'll see.

Here's hoping 2012 is better that 2011!